Best workout of all time - Be in a great shape!

Answer to the question "What workout should I do?" - No matter what equipment you have available, from a fully-stocked super-gym to a pair of mismatched dumbbells in your garage, or nothing, but your body weight alone, you can build muscle, lose fat, and sculpt the physique you've always wanted.
The jump rope is an incredibly efficient, versatile workout tool. Carry it in your backpack or briefcase, bring it with you on vacations and weekend trips for work because this is one of the easiest ways to build cardio fitness, agility, and strength on the go.
Not that that’s settled (Me extinguished your excuse for skipping workouts on business trips), take a look at how to make the most of your jump rope workout. It’s time you were reacquainted with the convenient cardio tool. Here’s everything you need to know to stay well-conditioned for life.
How it works
Make sure you’ve got a good rope. Beaded or plastic “speed” ropes are more durable than cotton ones and whip around faster, making for a more intense workout. They’re also mandatory if you want to build up to doing advanced jump-rope moves like the double jump (which we’ve included here, although we don’t expect you to master it right away). Before you begin using a rope, measure it to your height. When you stand on the middle of the rope, the handles should extend to your armpits. Cut and adjust the length as necessary. You have to gradually prepare your lower body for the impact of jumping, so begin on a waxed wooden floor or rubber floor. Hold the rope with hands at about hip height and elbows slightly bent, keeping your upper arms close to your sides. Your chest should be out and your shoulders back and down. Make your jumps small and land on the balls of your feet.
The workout consists of three training blocks. You’ll practice different jumps, rest two minutes, and move on to the next block. Follow the instructions:
The Workout
Block 1
1. Forward Jump
Reps: 60 sec.
Jump over the rope with both feet on every revolution, swinging the rope forward (the most basic jump).
2. Side-to-Side
Reps: 60 sec.
Jump a few inches to your left as you swing the rope. Then to your right. Get into a rhythm.
3. Backward Jump
Reps: 60 sec.
Swing the rope backward for each jump.
4. Single-Leg Jump-Left
Reps: 60 sec.
Jump on one foot; land softly.
5. Single-Leg Jump-Right
Reps: 60 sec.
Jump on the other foot.
Block 2
1. Forward Jump
Reps: 60 sec.
2. Alternating Jump
Reps: 60 sec.
Jump on one foot and then the other, back and forth.
3. Foot-Cross Jump
Reps: 60 sec.
Cross your feet over each other on each rep. Alternate the foot that lands in front.
4. Single-Leg Jump-Left
Reps: 60 sec.
5. Single-Leg Jump-Right
Reps: 60 sec.
Block 3
1. Forward Jump
Reps: 60 sec.
2. Double Jump
Reps: 30 sec.
Jump high enough that you can pass the rope under your feet twice on every revolution. If you can’t do it fluidly, practice it for 30 seconds—it doesn’t matter how many times you miss.
3. Backward Jump
Reps: 60 sec.
4. Double Jump
Reps: 30 sec.
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